Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reveal Your Six Pack

Many would agree that having a “six pack” is considered to be   an attractive sign of fitness.  There are misconceptions about how to achieve this goal. Many feel that each sit up will bring them one step closer to a "six pack". Because of this, hours are spent focusing on abdominal exercises. These exercises are great, as they build core strength, which is important.
Unfortunately, doing one million abdominal exercises will not shrink the waistline. This may be shocking to some. Extra time spent on the treadmill, or cross trainer will do more for your midsection than twenty sets of fifty crunches. 
Because body fat is stored in calories, you must focus on burning calories.Cardiovascular exercise burns more calories than crunches. Doing crunches will harden the abdominal muscles underneath the fat. Your “six pack” will be revealed once the abdominal fat is  gone. 
Healthy dieting is also a huge piece of the puzzle. In order to have a sculpted midsection, you must maintain healthy eating habits.
After exercising consistently and healthy dieting, your six pack will be revealed!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Weight Training

If you want to look great, start using weights!!!

Weight training should be incorporated in every exercise program in order to maximize results. Many women are reluctant to begin a weight training program. Here are some common myths about weight training.

Myth: "If women lift weights, they should only use light weights."
Fact: Muscles respond to resistance and if the resistance is too light, the body will not change.

Myth: "Weight training will make you look bulky."
Fact:  Moderate weight lifting will strengthen the body and produce a sculpted (cellulite free) physique.

Myth: "Weight Training turns fat into muscle."
Fact: Muscle and fat are two different types of tissue. One cannot be turned into the other.  

Your body will be transformed by lifting weights to gain muscle and losing fat through diet and cardiovascular exercise.

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Exercise and Nutrition: A Magnificent Matrimony

If you are a bride to be, you are preparing to join your soon to be husband in the magnificent union of marriage. The union between Exercise and Nutrition is just as magnificent.
Exercise and Nutrition each play an integral role in helping you reach your fitness goals.
Here are my top ten nutrition tips to help you loose weight, be a healthier wife, and live a healthier life!!!!

1. Carbohydrates: When grocery shopping, choose “good” carbohydrates such as whole grains.

2. Protein: Vegetable sources of protein such as beans, nuts and whole grains, are excellent choices because they are rich in healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fish and poultry are the best animal protein choices.

3. Fats:  Avoid trans fat and and use plenty of plant oil, nuts and fish. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are “good fats” that lower disease risk. Trans fats and saturated fats are “bad fats” that increase disease risk.

4. Fiber: Choose a diet filled with fiber such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

5. Vegetables and Fruits: Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables lowers blood pressure, and reduces risk of heart disease. Try to consume nine servings of vegetables and fruits each day in order to give your body a mix of the nutrients it needs.

6. Calcium: Milk is not the only source of calcium. Beans and tofu can also supply your body with calcium. 

7. Healthy Drinks: Avoid drinks filled with sugar and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

8. Lower Salt and Sodium Intake: Avoid processed foods and choose more fresh foods. If you are pressed for time use your slow cooker to prepare meals that include fresh ingredients.

9. Alcohol: Moderate drinking can be healthy. A general guideline is twelve ounces of beer or five ounces of wine.

10. Vitamins: Select a multivitamin and be sure to take it daily.

          Stay tuned for next Friday’s Fitness!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

6 ways to burn more calories while sleeping

Would you like to burn more calories while you sleep? 
Research shows that getting enough sleep can help you burn more calories both at night and during the day. 
To burn more calories while you sleep, follow these steps:
1.  Include weight training in your exercise regimen during the day. One pound of fat only burns  nine calories but one pound of muscle burns approximately fifty calories per day. 

2.  Burn more calories at night by turning down the heater. Our bodies use more energy to stay warm. When you turn down the heater at night, you will increase your body's metabolic rate, which will cause your body burn more calories to keep you warm.

3. Avoid carbohydrates for at least six hours before bed
When your body is low on carbohydrates, it starts using calories to burn fat for energy. If there are no carbohydrates in your system before bedtime, your body will burn more calories by burning fat for energy.
 4.  Drink green tea before going to bed. Green tea increases metabolism, which will help your body burn more calories.
5.  Sleep for more than seven hours each night. Getting more sleep will not only help you burn more calories at night, it will also help keep your metabolic rate higher during the day so that you also burn more calories during the day.
6. Meditate and relax before going to sleep. Relaxing causes cortisol levels to drop which causes your body to burn more calories.

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    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Register Today for Tomorrow's 9am One Hour Fitness Boot Camp Class!!!!!